2022 07 24 2379

더위타니까 창문자리면 좋겠네
I wish I had a window seat because I'm getting hot.

사실 내가 자리 정할 수 있는 건 아니지만
It's not like I can decide where to sit.


창문이 좀 아늑할 거 같은데
I think the windows will be cozy.

통로가 화장실 가기 편해
The passageway is convenient for you to go to the bathroom.

🥷나는 누구 옆자리인지가 중요해 말 안 거는 사람 옆이면 좋겠어
🥷 It's important who's next to me. I hope I'm next to the person who doesn't talk to me.


모르는 사람이 말도 걸어요?
Someone you don't know talks to you?

혼자 다녀본 적이 없어서
I've never been alone

I don't know.

아마 멤버가 옆에 있지 않을까여...?
Wouldn't the member be next to me...?

아니면 조금 눈물 나
Or I'm going to cry a little bit.

불편해서 울고싶을듯
It's uncomfortable and you want to cry.

I can't decide.

어디 자리가 더 좋을까
Which seat would be better?

근데 못 고름
But I can't choose.

그냥 혼자만의 고민
It's just a concern for myself.

아 마자
as soon as I know

That's right!

목베개 왓지요
My neck pillow is here.

너무 귀여워;;
So cute ;;

너무 귀여워.
You look so cute.

목베개로 쓰다가
I used it as a neck pillow.

인형으로 변신
Transformation into a doll.

목베개 역할을 하냐고...?
Does it act as a neck pillow?

목에는 안 둘러봤네...
I didn't look around your neck.

그저 귀여워서
It's just cute.

Whenever I see it,

변신을 몇번이나 시켜줬는지...
How many times have I transformed you?

지금 써볼게
I'll write it now.

Wait a minute.

지금은 인형 상태
Right now, it's like a doll.

목베개로 변신해야해
I need to turn into a neck pillow.



자 이제 목베개 보여줄게
I'll show you my neck pillow now.



괜찮은 거 같은디
I think it's okay.

베개가 높지 않아
The pillow isn't high.

답답한 느낌이 아냐
I don't feel stuffy.

나쁘지 않아
Not bad.

비행기에서 써봐야알걱앝아
It doesn't taste good when you use it on the plane.

🥷이 목베개 추천해주신 스찬분애게 내공 1119개 드립니당
I will give 1119 internal balls to the person who recommended this neck pillow.

Thank you^^

제가 찾았읍니다..
I found it.

내공냠 ㅋ
My ball, yum.

이제 진짜 갈게욥 안녕!!!
I'm really going to go now. Bye!

낼까지만 이 큐티고양이 보고 있서!
Because I'm watching this cute cat until tomorrow!

잘자고 !!!!!!!!
Good night!