2022 07 23 2360
A group V LIVE.
Of course I did.
연습 열심히 하는 중!
I'm practicing hard!
나야 힘내자
It's me. Let's cheer up.
나만 잘하면 돼~~~~~~~ ㅋ
I'm the only one who needs to do well.~~~~~~ (Laughs]
자신과의 싸움
a fight against oneself
우아 맞아
Wow, that's right.
이거 영상
This video.
I was 18 years old.
UCC 영상 아냐...
It's not a UCC video.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
Park Chaewon's days.
엔드라이브 보다가
I was watching N.Drive.
I found it.
어쩌다 찍게 되었냐면...
How I ended up filming...
친구가 이렇게 쓱 쓱 넘어가는 영상을
The video of my friend passing by like this.
어디서 보고 와가지고
I saw it from somewhere.
구래서 같이 찍었지
That's why we took it together.
약간 여행기록
It's like a travel record.
근데 여행이라 하기도 뭐한
But it's hard to call it a trip.
그 머지
The rest.
이글루 전시회 같은 곳을 갔어요
I went to an igloo exhibition.
지금의 나 올라왔다
I'm up now.