2022 07 19 2295

눈물의 영상
a tearful video

🥷아이클라우드 내가 혼내줄까?
Do you want me to scold you?

네 ㅡㅡ
Yes --

이거 진짜
This is really...

용량 꽉 차면 에어드랍도 안되게 해 ㅡㅡ
If it's full, don't even airdrop it--

🥷카메라 뭘로 찍었는지 알려줘ㅜ
Tell me what camera you took.

아이폰13 기본 카메라입니다
This is the basic camera for iPhone 13.

찍는 사람이 중요해요 기술
The person who takes the picture is important. skill

Director Ruby said,

샵에 우리밖에 없어서
We're the only ones at the salon.

플립댓 틀어주셨다
They turned on Flip That.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

이거 전에는 피티티
Before this, it was PT.

김볶밥 먹는중~♡
Eating kimchi fried rice~♡

다들 저녁 챙겨머거요
Everyone, make sure you have dinner.

🥷선배님과의 팬미팅 즐거우셨나요?
Did you enjoy the fan meeting with sunbae?

네... 지금도 팬미팅의 여운이 가시지 않네요...
Yes... I still can't get rid of the fan meeting.

저 또 사랑에 빠졌읍니다...
I'm in love again...

우리 다 가기 전부터 설렜는데
We were so excited even before we left.

끝나고도 계속
Even after it was over and over...

너무 좋았다며,,,
You said it was so good...

마자 이것은 ... LOVE...💖
So this is... LOVE...💖


a shower filter

I have to order.

챙겨갈 거 진짜 많다
There are so many things to bring.

전에는 물이
In the past, water...

늘 마시던 거랑 달라서
It's different from what I usually drink.

약간 점성이 있는 거야
It's a bit viscous.

근데 이게 못 마시겠어서
But I can't drink it.

그냥 일주일내내
All week.

정말 목 말리서 죽겟다
I'm dying of thirst.

싶을 때만 코막고 꿀꺽하고
I cover my nose and gulp when I feel like this.

적응이 안돼가지고
I can't get used to it.

🥷탄산수 이런건 그래도 괜찮지 않을까
Wouldn't carbonated water be okay?

as soon as soon as possible.

콜라 이런 거
Something like coke.

근데 우리는 다이어트 시절이라
But we were on a diet.


그러면 비타민이랑
Then, vitamins and...

비타민 꼭 챙겨먹겟읍니다
I will make sure to take vitamins.

🥷how is MaximyosMyokki doing?
🥷how is MaximyosMyokki doing?

오,,, 늘 그대로... 정말 그 자리에만...
Oh, as always... Just in that spot...