2022 07 18 2279
이거 진짜 맞다
This is really right.
나도 고맙습니다 이모티콘 젤 애용해
Thank you, too. I use emoticons the most.
이거랑 꾸벅 인사하는 이모티콘
This and the bowing emoticon.
그리고 텍스트대치 알지
And you know the text confrontation.
ㄴ 치면 넵 나오고
If you type "n", you get "yes".
ㄱㅅ 치면 감사합니다
If you type "G" and "S", thank you.
by automatic completion
ㄱㅅㅎ 는 고생하셨습니다
Thank you for your hard work.
🥷채원이는 문자가좋아?? 전화가좋아??
Chaewon, do you like texting? Do you like the phone?
정말 급한 일 아닌이상
Unless it's really urgent.
근데 문자도 귀찮아
But texting is annoying, too.
🥷이거 ㅇㅈ 전화하는데 할 말 없어서 붕 뜨면 끊고 싶어져
🥷 I'm calling, but I don't have anything to say, so I want to hang up.
as soon as soon as possible.
I'm just saying what I want to say.
이제 끊자
Let's hang up now.
하지만 거의 유일하게 전화하는 사람이 이제
But the only person who's calling is now...
JinSoul unni?????
다른 멤버들이랑은 만나서 얘기하는데
I'm talking to the other members.
사실 거의 맨날 보잖아
We see each other almost every day.
근데도 만나면 우리 새벽까지 할말이 많아
But we still have a lot to talk about until late at night.
진솔언니랑은 각자방에서 나가기는 싫고
I don't want to go out of my own room with JinSoul.
심심하면 연락하다가
If I'm bored, I'll call you.
그런 늑김
That kind of procrastination.
🥷진솔언니랑 몇시간 통화하고 끊으면서 자세한 얘기는 만나서 해요 이러는거 아니지
I'll talk to Jinsol for a few hours, hang up, and let's talk about the details. You're not doing this.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
만나서 또 시작이지
We'll meet and start again.
Go Won City 💕
이따 라디오에서 만나쟈
I'll see you on the radio later.
Young Street! ♡
헤주 카레 먹어?
Are you eating curry?
It looks delicious.
저는 김치볶음밥 먹을거예요
I'm going to eat kimchi fried rice.
준비 거의 다 끝나가는즁
I'm almost done getting ready.
지금은 샵!!
Right now, it's a shop!
팹선생님 동영상이 안 올라가요🥹
Fab teacher's video isn't going up.🥹
지금 백번째 시도중
I'm trying 100 times.
It went up.
오 아이클라우드 영상이면
Oh, if it's an iCloud video,
잘 안 올라가나봐요
I guess it's not going up well.
That's what he said.
Success! ♡
나 샵와서부터 도전했는데
I tried it since I came to the salon.
At last.
조금 눈물나네
I'm tearing up.
팹선생님 짱
Fab teacher is the best.
아이클라우드 용량 늘릴게요..
I'll increase the iCloud capacity.