2022 06 28 1886

혜주가 보냄 ;;
From Hyejoo ;;

🥷고원 out
🥷 Plateau out


고원 👎
Plateau 👎

악플러는 나가라!!
Leave the haters!!

이제 무대 곧 한다
We're going to perform soon.

준비하러 갈게
I'll go get ready.

악플러는 무대 못 봐 ㅡㅡ
The haters can't watch the stage--

고마버 오빛들💖
Thank you, ORBITs

All right.

라고 혜주가 답장했어
Hyejoo replied.

얘 이제 내 팹에서 논다 ㅡㅡ
He's playing in my fab now--

나가주세요 손혜주씨
Please leave, Hyejoo.

아니 지금 비가 미스트처럼 내려요
No, it's raining like mist right now.

우산 쓰시길
Please use an umbrella.

날은 꾸리꾸리하지만
The weather is a bit gloomy,

It's exciting.

🥷울 채원 과즙상인데 뭐 입느냐에 따라서 달라지는 •• 언제는 자두걸 오렌지걸 오늘은 라임걸 ㅋㅎ 💚
It's Chaewon's fruity face, but it depends on what she wears •• Sometimes plum girl, orange girl, today lime girl lol 💚

오늘은 라임걸하겠습니다
I'll do Lime Girl today.

오늘 색조합
Today's color combination.

Guess what?

플립댓뮤비와 디버전 사진을 보시면
If you look at the Flip That music video and the version photo,

힌트를 얻을 수 있어요
You can get a hint.

the power of attraction

as soon as soon as possible.

오빛들이 이벤트 투표도 1위 시켜줘서
ORBIT allowed us to vote for the event.

우리 대기실 삐까뻔쩍했어
Our waiting room was so embarrassing.

케이크도 너무 예쁘던데?!?!!?
The cake was so pretty, too!?!?!?

I took a picture.


아까 립언니랑 먹었는데
I ate it with Lip earlier.

초록색 어니언맛이었거든
It tasted like green onion.

근데 언니가 먹으면서 어니언 맛이 더 맛있는데 ㅡㅡ
But when you eat it, onion tastes better.

It's like this.

어니언을 먹으면서 어니언이 더 맛있대
They say onion tastes better while eating onion.

Oh, my.

그리고 또 레전드 은쪽이
And the legendary silver side...

내가 다 폭로한다했어
I said I'm going to reveal everything.

언니가 바나나우유 마시다가
She was drinking banana milk.

방금 얘기한 포카칩 가져오려고 움직이는데
I was moving to bring the chips that I just mentioned.

바나나우유를 툭쳐서 반을 쏟은 거야
I spilled half of the banana milk.

그래서 어머 미안해여 이러면서 다 치웠는데
So I was like, "Oh, I'm sorry!" and cleaned it up.

치우다가 나머지 반을 또 쳐서 다 쏟았어
I was cleaning it up, but I hit the other half and spilled it all.

그래서 내가 찰싹 때렸잖어
That's why I slapped you.

둘다 한참 웃었네 ㅠ
Both of you laughed a lot.

누가 그림 그려주라
Someone draw a picture for me.

🥷똥손 오빛 지금 갑자기 식은땀이나요 😂
Orbit with clumsy hands, I'm suddenly sweating 😂

(Laughs) (Laughs)

맨날 웃긴 일 생기면
Whenever something funny happens,

이부언니한테 만화 그려달라하는데
I'm asking my uncle to draw a cartoon.