2022 06 23 1791
네 임금님 여러분 좋은 하루
King, have a good day.
여진 + 아름다울 미 + 채원
🌟🌟🌟 How about jjinmichae?
Yeojin, beautiful me, Chaewon.
여진이 뭐 닉네임 진미채였는데 대박
Yeojin's nickname was Jinmichae. Awesome.
🥷고원아 오늘은 무슨 꿈꿧어
Go Won, what did you dream today?
꿈 안 꾼 거 같ㅇ아
I don't think I had a dream.
며칠 전에는
A few days ago,
해외 투어 나가는데
We're going on an overseas tour.
내가 준비를 하나도 안 한거야
I didn't prepare anything.
근데 나 짐 바리바리 들고 다니는 스타일이라서
But I'm the type to carry around a lot of stuff.
나갔는데 뭐 없으면 되게 속상하거든
If there's nothing on the show, it's really upsetting.
근데 꿈에서 짐을 하나도 안 챙겼는데
I didn't pack anything in my dream.
갑자기 비행기 타는 시간이 됐대
It's suddenly time to get on the plane.
그래서 울면서 탔어...
So I cried while riding it.
캐리어도 안 들고 그냥 갔어
I didn't even bring my suitcase.
그래서 실제로 울면서 깼어
So I woke up crying.
혼자 훌쩍대다가 눈 번쩍
I was sniffling by myself and then my eyes opened my eyes.
이게 뭐야..? 하고 깼네
What is this...? I woke up.
꿈이라 다행이지
I'm glad it's a dream.
낼 가방 자기전에 다 챙기고 자야지
I'm going to pack my bag before I go to bed.
Coffee time.
바닐라라떼를 마시고 있어요
I'm drinking vanilla latte.
It's delicious.
Avara Corporation
Iced Americano.
아니 비오니까 진짜 습하더라
No, it was really humid when it rained.
습하지만 조금은 시원한 날씨 vs 완전완전 땡볕 하지만 찝찝하지는 않은
It's humid but a bit cool vs totally hot but not uncomfortable.
난 차라리 1
I'd rather have 1.
집에만 있기 안돼
You can't just stay home.
무조건 밖에 있기
Staying outside no matter what.
그늘 금지
No shade allowed.
양산 금지
Prohibition of mass production
손풍기 금지
No hand fans allowed.
아싸 1로 많이 넘어왔다
Oh yeah! A lot of people went over to 1.
나 저번에 뿌듯한 거
The one I was proud of last time.
지난 여름 비가 온다는 예보를 듣고
I heard that it was going to rain last summer.
우산을 챙겨 나갔는데 비가 하나도 안 오는 거야
I took an umbrella, but it didn't rain at all.
그래서 덥길래 양산으로 썼더니
It was hot, so I used a parasol.
주변 지나가던 사람들이
The people who were passing by...
한두명씩 갑자기 다들 우산을 폈어
One or two of us suddenly opened our umbrellas.
Butterfly effect
아 웃겨 선한 영향력이래
So funny. They said it's a good influence.
with an umbrella
a high compliment
(Laughs) (Laughs)
정말 더울 때는 양산 쓰는 게 좋긴 하더라구요
It's good to use a parasol when it's really hot.
쓰는 거랑 안 쓰는 거랑 정말 달라요
It's really different when you use it and when you don't use it.