2022 06 21 1760

정오의 희망곡!!!!!!!!!!!
Noon's Hope Song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

마좌 래디오~
"Majwa Radio"!

Lunch menu recommendation.

A bowl of rice topped with pork

Oh, my.

정오의 희망곡 재밌었다~~~
The song I hope for at noon was fun.~~

🥷평소에 딱히 메뉴 추천하는 거 먹는 편은 아닌데 집에 마침 제육볶음이 있어서 정말 어쩔수없이 제육덮밥 먹어드리는겁니다??
🥷I don't usually eat what I recommend, but I have stir-fried spicy pork at home, so I have no choice but to eat it for you.


미리 저메추
Dinner menu recommendation in advance.

Kimchi pancake.


이건 간식이구나...!
This is a snack...!

All right, all right.

나는 점심
For me, lunch.

땡초김밥 먹었어
I had chancho kimbap.

하나도 안 맵더라~
It wasn't spicy at all.

엠카 첫방 기대된다~~~
I can't wait to see the first episode of "M Countdown".~~~

엠카랑 아이돌라디오 다 봤어?!
Did you watch "M Countdown" and "IDOL RADIO?"

The first performance...

오랜만에 오빛들이랑 함께해서
It's been a while since we were with ORBIT.

아주 기분이 묘했어
It felt very strange.

뭔가 벅찼달까
I was overwhelmed.

그런 느낌...ㅎ
That kind of feeling...Hah!

쏘왓때부터 음방에서는 못 만났는데
We haven't seen each other on music shows since "Sawat".

진짜 그 이후 활동들은
After that,

약간의 리허설같은 느낌도 있었는데
It kind of felt like a rehearsal.


재밌엇어요 ㅎㅋ
It was fun haha