2022 06 16 1692
퀸덤 파이널 전날에
On the eve of the final round of "Queendom",
오빠가 채원아 내일 바빠?
I said, "Chae Won, are you busy tomorrow?"
이러고 연락이 온거야
He called me like this.
그래서 낼 파이널이잖아;;
That's why it's the final.
했는데 아니 티켓팅 좀 해줘
I did. Please buy tickets.
이러면서 링크를 막 보내
He sends me links like this.
근데 티켓팅이 8신가 그러고
But they asked if the ticketing was 8pm.
우리 파이널은 9시 좀 넘어서햤잖아
Our final was a little past 9pm.
그래서 중간에 할 수 있지않냐는 거
That's why I can do it in the middle.
Oh, my.
동생은 무대준비하느라 긴장됐는데
My brother was nervous preparing for the performance.
티켓팅 해달라고 ㅡㅡ
They want me to buy tickets.
오빠가 볼빨간사춘기선배님 팬이라서,,,(˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
My brother is a fan of Bolbbalgan4. (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
결국 표를 구해줬어요
He finally got me a ticket.
그걸로 이미 지난 생일선물 퉁치기로...
I'm already going to call you my last birthday gift.
이달소 티켓팅도 내가 해줘???????
Do you want me to buy tickets for LOONA?
I can't.
나는 무조건 갈거라서
I'm going to go no matter what.
내가 먼저야 미안.
I'm first. Sorry.
🥷혹시 이달소에 지인없어?? 지인표라도.....
Do you have any acquaintances in LOONA? At least an acquaintance's card...
길 가다가 보긴 했는데
I saw it on the street.
이정도 친분이면 표 주나요?
If you're this close, do you get a ticket?
다음에 또 마주치면 얘기해봐야겠다
I should talk about it next time.
🥷만나면 등에다 싸인해달라하자!!
Let's ask her to sign on her back when we meet!!
그럼 내 옷 어떡해?
Then what about my clothes?
만약에 내가 정말로 아끼는 옷을 입고 나왔는데
Let's say I wore something that I really like.
지나가다가 만났어
I met him while I was passing by.
근데 무조건 싸인은 옷에 받아야해
But you have to get your autograph on your clothes.
그러면 어떻게 할거야
Then what are you gonna do?
한정판 옷이야 전세계에 5벌만 있어
It's a limited edition. There are only five of them in the world.
🥷이달의 소녀가 누구? 쌩~
Who is the girl of the month? Come on!
Ha ha ha ha.
저 이제 갈게요
I'm going to go now.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
🥷고원이 아침인데 할거없으면 멍플갱어 테스트 한번해볼래? 요거 재미지다
If you don't have anything to do in the morning in the plateau
Do you want to do a mung-ple-ganger test? This is fun.
이거 하나만 해야지
I'll just do this one thing.
귀여운 걸 알고 있는 시크한 요크셔테리어
A chic Yorkshire terrier who knows something cute.
아 무슨 테스트중에
Among the tests...
강아지 테스트야
It's a dog test.
근데 내가 혼자 했을 때는 외유내유
But when I did it alone, it was outside, inside, inside.
이게 나온 거야
This came out.
근데 혜주가 언니 또 거짓으로 했지
But Hyejoo lied again.
이러고 혜주가 보는 나로 해줬더니
I did it in the way Hyejoo sees me.
외강내강 나왔어
The inner and outer cavity came out.
맞아 외멍내멍 테스튼가 그거
That's right. "Teston the One-Woof" or that.
혜주가 맨날 나보고 이언니 또 거짓으로 테스트한다 이러거든
Hyejoo always tells me that she's going to lie again.
혜주도 외강내강
Hyeju is also strong inside and strong.