2022 05 28 1397

I voted.

하고 밥먹으러 왔는데
I came to eat after that.

비비언니랑 최리가 갑자기
Vivi and Choerry suddenly...

Go Won!

이래서 에엥?
That's why?

It's so funny.

옆자리 앉아있다 푸하하
I was sitting next to him. Hahaha.


아니 그리구
No, and...

아침에 올린 반지 사진에
In the ring photo I posted this morning,

그거 맥주아니여요
That's not beer.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

자꾸 고원아 그래도 맥주 나온 거 올리면 어떡해..
Go Won, why are you posting the beer that came out?

좀 가리고 올리지
I'm going to cover it up.

이런거 많았는디
There were a lot of things like this.

저거 걍 탄산음료라구여
It's just a soda.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

저 시절은
In those days,

쏘왓 뮤비 촬영하러 갔을 때 입니다
It was when we went to shoot the music video for Sawat.

Who got it right?

나가는 거 안됐는데
I didn't want to go out.

현규쌤 보호자로
As Hyunkyu teacher's guardian.

슬쩍 나갔다온~!
I went out!

멤버 몇명이랑 같이 슬쩍
With a few members,

그래서 아주 신났지
So I was very excited.

오늘도 빠이팅야
Let's cheer up again today.

Dinner menu recommendation.



왜냐면 아까 먹은 거가 샤브샤브였어
Because what I ate earlier was shabu shabu.

aftershock story

I'm talking.

계단 위에 서있었던 우리 둘
The two of us standing on the stairs.

하지만 순간 무서웠던 나
But I was scared for a second.

고원 : 무서워~
I'm scared~

여진 무심하게 고원 손을 잡아준다
YeoJin casually holds GoWon's hand.

여진 : 내가 넘어지는 한이 있더라도 언니는 잡아준다...
Even if I fall, she will hold me...