2022 05 13 1230

(Laughs) (Laughs)

궁금한 거 맞냐구...!!!!!
Are you really curious?

뭐 하여튼
Well, anyway.

이름 막시무스라뇨
What do you mean, Maximus?


그 막시무스는 가짜였잖아요
The Maximus was a fake.

아니 우리 마리모도 가짜면 어떡해...???
What if Marimo is a fake too?

만약에 키우다가 가짜면
If it's fake while raising it,

막시무스로 개명 시켜줘야겠다
I should change my name to Maximus.

근데 젤 후기 많은 곳에서 데려왔는데
I brought it from a place with the most reviews.

설마 가짜일까..?
Is it a fake...?

무슨 품질보증서도 같이 주더라고
They gave me some kind of warranty.

이끼 제가 한번 열심히 키워보겠습니다
I'll work hard to grow moss.

세바스찬은 개명 안하나요?
Don't you change your name Sebastian?

Oh, my.

지금 이름이 마음에 안드시나요????????
You don't like the name now?????

우리 스찬선배림들
Our Chan sunbae-nim!

맘에 드신 거 아녔어요???????
Didn't you like it?

by a majority vote

세바스찬 이어가겠습니다
We'll continue with Sebastian.

스찬들 저녁 뭐드셔요?
What are you having for dinner?

문어 숙회를 드신답니다
She's eating raw octopus.

오 오늘 해산물을 많이 드시네요
Oh, you eat a lot of seafood today.

어떤스찬 초코치킨 먹으러 간대요
Someone said they're going to go eat chocolate chicken.

초코치킨이 도대체 뭐야?
What is chocolate chicken?

나 상상도 안돼
I can't even imagine it.

이건 도전이야? 아님 맛있어서?
Is this a challenge? Or because it's delicious?


세상엔 별게 다 있구나
There are so many things in the world.

근데 맛있대 몇명스찬들이
But some of the fans said it was good.

음식 먹을 때
When I eat...

도전 vs 늘 먹던 거
Challenge vs. something you always eat.

난 완전 후자
I'm totally the latter.

근데 딱봐도 맛있어보이는 거야 도전하는 게
But it looked delicious when I tried it.

저런 초코치킨이 아니라
It's not that kind of chocolate chicken.

치킨집에 갔는데
I went to a chicken restaurant.

내가 즐겨먹던 후라이드랑
The fried chicken that I used to enjoy.

새로 리뉴얼한 후라이드가 있대
There's a newly renewed fried chicken.

그럼 뭐 먹을 거야?
Then what are you going to eat?

Oh, my.

이러면 또 리뉴얼후라이드 먹는대~~~~
They're going to eat the renewal fried food again!

난 원래 그걸 먹을 거 같기도
I think I would eat that.

누가 먹을 때 한입 뺏어먹고
When someone eats it, they take a bite.

맛있으면 다음에 그거 먹어
If it's good, eat that next time.

with backbone

늘 해물볶 치즈추가
Always add seafood stir-fried cheese.

이것만 몇년을 먹은 나
I've been eating this for years.

하지만 요즘은 안 먹어
But I don't eat it these days.

요즘은 아무거나
These days, anything.
