2022 05 04 1069

티비 보고 있다했자나
be watching TVI did.

엄청 말도 안되는 개그를 하셨는데
You made a ridiculous joke.

웃는 나 자신
My smiling self.

It's ridiculous.

I know.

모두가 싸해질때
When everyone gets cold,

나만 웃음 픽 나오는 그 순간
The moment I'm the only one who picks to laugh.

아재개그 자존심 상하지만 웃겨
Dad jokes hurt my pride, but they're funny.

하지만 내가 절대로 하고 싶진 않아
But I never want to.

하지만 스찬이들 개그에는
But for Stray Kids' jokes,

It's getting strict.

바지 지퍼를 잠그면?

What if I zip up my pants?

Manila clam



이런 거 하잖아
You do things like this.


바지를 스스륵 입으면?

When I wear pants?


이 스찬이 더 못됐어
He's even worse.

단이 작아지면?

What if the hem gets smaller?


Oh, my.

조금 푸싁함
It's a bit refreshing.

바지를 입으려는데 바지가 나에게 인사했다

I was going to wear pants, but they greeted me.


악 ㅜ
Oh my god.

자.존.심 상해
I.John, I'm hurt.

가는말이 고우면 오는말은?

What's the best word you can't you say something nice?


나 알았다
I got it.

이게 정말 별거아닌말인데
It's not a big deal.

괜히 큰따옴표로
In double quotation marks,

있어보이는 척 얘기하는 기분이아
I feel like I'm pretending to be cool.

그래서 갑자기 뭘까..! 하다가 푸시식 바람 빠진 느낌
So I suddenly thought, "What is it?" and it feels like push-style air is gone.

그래서 웃겨
That's why it's funny.

고원시 + 3 ^^
Go Won City 3 ^^

주인공은 원래 늦는 법이라구요
The main character is always late.

Hah, hah, hah.

머리 말리다가 후다닥 왔는데
I came quickly while drying my hair.

이미 늦어버렸네~!
It's already late!

근데 진짜
But really...

다들 손이 빠른지
Let's see if everyone's hands are fast.

내가 일등해본적도 없어
I've never even won first place.

나 이제 지누프 시작해야지~~~~
I'm going to start Jinuf now.~~

얼른 얼른 잘 준비 고고
Hurry up and get ready to sleep. Go, go!

낼 어린이날이니까
It's Children's Day tomorrow.

늦게 일어나!!!!!!!
Wake up late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

푹 자고
Sleep tight.

오후에 일ㄹ어나
I get up in the afternoon.

난 이제 자겠어
I'm going to sleep now.




Good night.