2022 04 30 1036
아 전에 필라테스쌤이
Oh, my pilates teacher...
콜라겐 좋은 거 추천해주샸는데
Someone recommended a good collagen product.
너무 맛없어서 차마 못 먹겠더라
It was so bad that I couldn't eat it.
It's powdery.
the real thing
뭔가 우웨엑
It's like... Woo-hoo!
입에 넣자마자 기침 나올 거 같은
I think I'm going to cough as soon as I put it in my mouth.
냄새가 이상해
It smells weird.
유산균은 맛있던데
Lactobacillus is good.
in black rubber shoes
애들이 몰래 먹는 그거
The thing that the members eat secretly.
이름 뭐더라
What was the name?
우유맛 나는 거
Something that tastes like milk.
나 그거 엄청 먹고 싶어 했었는데
I really wanted to eat that.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ맞다 원기소
(Laughs)Right, the original prosecution.
곧 12시다
It's almost midnight.
나 오늘은 일찍 자러 갈게~~~~~~~~~😴🥱😪
I will go to bed early today.~~~~~~~~😴🥱😪
모두모두 안녕히 주무세요
Good night, everyone.
Go Won City 🥶
오늘은 전기장판 틀고 눕기 딱 좋은 날
Today is the perfect day to turn on the electric pad and lie down.
낮엔 날씨 진짜 좋았는데
The weather was really nice during the day.
지금 먼가 춥다 살짝
It's a bit cold right now.
모두모두 감기조심하기...!
Everyone, be careful not to catch a cold...!
아프면 고생이야
It's hard if you're sick.
나는 365 전기장판과 함께 해
I do it with 365 electric pads.
언제 추울지 모르니까
You never know when it's going to be cold.
근데 정작 겨울에 해봐야 다섯번정도 쓴듯
But I think I used it about five times in the winter.
나 그런 적도 있잖아
I've done that before.
겨울에 넘 추운거야
It was so cold in the winter.
그래서 전기장판을 틀고
So I turned on the electric pad.
누워서 음 이제 좀 따뜻하네~
Lying down... It's kind of warm now.
하고 잤는데
I slept like that.
자다가 약간 추운 거 같은 거야
I felt a bit cold while sleeping.
그래서 온도를 더 올렸는데
So I turned up the heat.
사실 연결이 안돼있었어
Actually, it wasn't connected.
매트랑 선이랑 따로 있더라
Matte and Sun are separate.
근데 진짜 첨엔 따뜻한 느낌이 들었어
But at first, it felt really warm.
그래서 이제는 꼭 확인하는 습관이 생겼지
So now I have a habit of checking.
몇번 그 일을 겪었거든...☆
I've been through it a few times.☆
오늘도 좋은 하루 보내~~~~~~~!
Have a good day today.~~~~~~!
나 오늘 퀸요일인줄 알았는데
I thought today was Queen's Day.
It was Wednesday.
내일은 어린이날~!
Tomorrow is Children's Day!
내일 뭐 계획있서?
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
참나 어린이들이 갑자기 많아졌네
Wow, there are so many kids.