2022 03 31 600

저 이제 때려치겠습니다
I'll quit now.

저 데뷔하겠습니다 ㅃㅇ
I will debut. Bye.

세바스찬 데뷔해서
I debuted as Sebastian.

이제 없어
I don't have any more.

이거 그리신 분
Who drew this?

Are you there?

정말 감동
I'm so touched.

너무 맘에드는 그림
I really like this picture.

고원시 -1시간💖
Go Won City - 1 hour 💖


심지어 늦음



지금 말대꾸해?
Are you talking back to me now?


튀김 맛있겠다
Fried food sounds good.

아니 그래서
No, so...

저녁 뭐 먹었어?
What did you have for dinner?

퀸덤 1등할거 같아서 김칫국 마셨어요
I thought I would win first place in "Queendom".



맛있는 거 잘 먹었넹 다들
You all ate delicious food well.

나는 가족들이랑 통화하구 올게~~~~!!!!!!
I'll be back after talking to my family on the phone.

통화 안 한지 지금 몇주지나서
It's been weeks since I called you.

사실 맨날 오랜만에 해서
It's been a while since I've done this.

한번하면 한시간도 넘게해
Once you do it, it's over an hour.

오늘 고원시는 늦게 챙길지도 몰라~~!
I might bring GoWon City late today!

미리 말하구 갈게💖
I'll tell you in advance. 💖

따로사는 스찬들도
Even for those who live separately,

전화 나중에 한번씩 하세유
You can call me later.

아까는 동생이
Earlier, my younger brother...

벚꽃 사진 찍은 거 보내줬어
She sent me a picture of cherry blossoms.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

동생 사진부라고
He's in the photo club.

어디 놀러가면 내 사진은 동생이 찍어줘
When I go somewhere, my younger brother takes pictures of me.

아빠 사진실력 꽝
Dad's photography skills are not good.

그래서 동생 시켜
So I asked him to do it.

저거 머야 전에 식물원같은 사진도 동생이 찍어준거!!!
What is that? My brother took me a picture of a botanical garden before!

오빠는 뭔가
You're like...

엄청 열심히 찍거든??
I work really hard on it.

근데 뭔가
But it's somewhat...

What should I say?

계속 열심히는 찍어주는데
I keep working hard on it.

올릴 수 없어
I can't upload it.

인물사진으로 찍는 거 좋아하는데
I like taking pictures of people.

진짜 합성처럼 엉성해
It's really sloppy like photoshopped.

나도 잘찍는편은 아닌데
I'm not that good either.

나보다 못찍어
He's worse than me.


뭐 하여튼 다녀올게!!!
Anyway, I'll be back!