2022 03 22 523
I was writing comments.
시간보고 바로 준비했어
I checked the time and prepared it right away.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ수강신청보다 열심히 하는 건 뭐야~~~~~
(Laughs)What are you working harder than registering for classes?~~~
나도 나중에 시계 보면서 도전해봐야겠다
I should try it while looking at the clock.
나도 1등 해보고싶어
I want to win first place, too.
네이비즘이 젤 정확한 거야???
Is navism the most accurate thing???
Naver watch??
팹도 서버시간이 있나요??
Does Fab have a server time?
음 다들 안 알려주려고 하는군
Well, no one wants to tell you.
isn't it
1등은 스찬이가 하고싶은거지
First place is what Chan wants to do.
나도 경쟁자였구나
I was a competitor, too.
1등 보상이 뭐냐고 하는데
They're asking what the reward is for winning first place.
그냥 1등한거예오..
I just won first place.
그냥 뭐든 1등이면 좋잖아요...^^
Whatever it is, it's good to win first place.^^
모두모두 오늘 하루 고생했서
Everyone worked hard today.
나도 얼른 자러 갈게!!!!!!
I'm going to sleep soon too!!!!!!
낼 또 스찬이들 뭐하는 지
What are you doing tomorrow?
구경하러 올게!!
I'll come and see you!
낼 뭐하는지만 알려주고 가 스찬아
Just tell me what you're doing tomorrow.
낼 저녁에 비 온대
It's going to rain tomorrow night.
나가는 스찬들도 많은데
There are a lot of people who go out, too.
우산 꼭 챙기고!
Make sure to bring your umbrella!
격리스찬들도 많은데 창문 잘 닫고!
There are a lot of passionate people, so make sure to close the windows!
따뜻하게 입고 나가!!!
Dress warmly and go out!!!
If you catch a cold,
절대 안돼.
Not a chance.
밖에서 기침 콜록콜록하면
If you cough outside,
다들 설마...? 하고 쳐다본다
Everyone's looking at me thinking, "No way..."
콜록콜록 유노유노....
Cough, cough, you know, you know...
기침은 내가 열기 부를 때만 할게
I'll only cough when I'm hot.
열기말고 닫기~ㅎㅎ.....
Don't open it and close it.
이라고 보낸 스찬이 있어
That's what he sent.
이거 강퇴감 아냐???!!!??!??!????!??!?!
Isn't this a kick-out?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
웃는 스찬이 많다...
There are a lot of people laughing.
All right...
나 이제 정말 자러 갈게..
I'm really going to bed now.
You have to do Jinuf.
Good night 😪😴
고원시 + 5....🥹
Go Won City 5...🥹
오늘은 3등까지 시상했어😘
We won 3rd place today. 😘
난 오늘 염색하구 연습하구~~~!!
I dyed my hair and practiced today.
아니 또 똑같은 색이야
No, it's the same color again.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
🔮고원이 내일의 운세를 준비해왔어
내일의 운세를 한글자로 하면
'생각대로' 입니다
상쾌한 마음으로 하루를 시작할 수 있을 것이고 이러한 상태는 하루종일 지속될 것입니다. 하는 만큼 일도 진행되기 때문에 스스로에 대한 자부심도 생길 것입니다. 변화를 꿈꾼다면 새로운 도전을 하는 것이 좋습니다. 행운이 가득한 하루가 될 것이기 때문에 자신의 능력을 펼치기 좋은 날이에요. 자신에게 화내는 사람도 웃게 만들수 있는 기운이 가득한 날입니다!!!!
🔮 The plateau prepared tomorrow's fortune.
If I were to say tomorrow's fortune in one word,
It's "As You Think".
You will be able to start your day with a fresh mind and this condition will last all day. You will feel proud of yourself because the work goes as much as you do. If you dream of a change, it is good to take on a new challenge. It's a good day to show off your abilities because it's going to be a lucky day. It's a day full of energy that can make even those who are angry at them laugh!!!!
우와 나 내일 운세도 좋아~!
Wow, my fortune for tomorrow is good too!
As you think!
이건 어디서 본 거야???
Where did you see this?