2022 03 03 310
그래서 평소엔 체리쥬빌레 딱히 안 좋아하는데
So I don't really like cherry jubilee.
급식으로는 체리쥬빌레가 나와도 맛있어
Cherry Jubilee is good for school meals.
허걱 아이스홍시♡
Oh, my. Ice persimmon. ♡
와 대박 맞아 급식은 메이플피칸파이지
Wow, that's right. Maple pecans are the best for school meals.
무조건 디저트 이거야
This is definitely dessert.
나 이거 나오는 날은 밥필요없고 이거만 잔뜩 줬으면 했어
I didn't need rice on the day this came out. I just wanted them to give me this.
이거 몰라...??? ㅠ
You don't know this????
뭔지 알걸!!!
You know what it is!
아 오늘은 아이스크림 먹어줘야겠는걸
Ah, I should eat ice cream today.
할 배라 소금우유가 뭐야??
What's salt milk? Salt milk?
헐랭 왜 없지..
Why isn't he there?
와 충격
Wow, shocking.
초콜릿이랑 초콜릿무스는 단종됐대
Chocolate and chocolate mousse are discontinued.
초코나무숲도 단종된대
Chocolate Forest will be discontinued.
무슨 초코를 먹으란 얘기야...???
What kind of chocolate are you saying to eat?
초코나무숲 안돼 지켜
Chocolate forest, no. Let's keep it.
헐 소금우유 메가톤 느낌이래
They said it's like a megaton of salt milk.
나 메가톤 진짜 좋아하는데
I really like megaton.
거의 최애 아이스크림
It's my favorite ice cream.
옥메와까 뭔지는 알아요
I know what Okmaewaka is.
저 까마쿤은 모르겠고 옥동자 메가톤 와일드바디 짱 좋아해요
I don't know about "Carmacoon", but I really like "Okdongja Megaton Wild Body.
와악 수박바 죠스바
Wow, watermelon bar. Jaws bar.
이런 건 안 먹어봤어요
I've never tried this before.
Tangerine tang tangerine♡
Yomam time ♡
(Laughs) (Laughs)Bibibig is...
나쁘진 않지만 또 사먹진 않는
It's not bad, but I don't buy it.
빠삐코는 짱이지
Papico is the best.
아이스크림 요즘 많이 작아졌는데
Ice cream has gotten a lot smaller these days.
전 아이스크림은 많이는 못 먹어서
I can't eat a lot of ice cream.
It's okay...^^
많이 먹고 싶은 날은 다른 맛 두개 먹으면 되니까...!
If you want to eat a lot, you can eat two different flavors.
와 대박
Wow, that's awesome.
감자탕집 아이스크림
Gamjatang restaurant ice cream.
그게 젤 맛있음
That's the best.
나는 메론맛 젤 좋아
I like melon flavored gel.
오늘은 무조건 아이스크림 먹어야겠다
I should definitely eat ice cream today.
배라 알바생이 배라제외래
Baskin Robbins part-timer is excluded from Baskin Robbins.
엇 다른 배라스찬은 시키래
Oh, they want me to order another barracian.
미안 ~~~ 오늘은 시킬게~~~~~♡
(Laughs) (Laughs)
이제 점심시간 끝났지!!
Lunch time is over now!
다들,, 일 잘하고,,, 학교 잘 마치고,,
Everyone, do well at work and finish school well.
나도 이제 일어나볼까해,,
I'm going to get up now.
배라스찬이 베라스찬에게
오늘도 힘내시구.....최대한 파인트만 푸셨으면 좋겠구,,,,,항상 건강하십쇼..... 손목 조심하시구 아자아자 화이팅~~~~~!!!‼️‼️‼️‼️
From Baskin Robbins to Baskin Robbins.
Cheer up today... I hope you can release pints as much as possible... Always be healthy... Be careful of your wrists and fighting!‼️‼️‼️‼️
모두모두 힙내십쇼
Everyone, be hip.
Let's go!