2022 03 02 290
행복하려면 2
To be happy, 2.
하지만 옆에서 정말 소중한 사람이 슬퍼해
But someone really precious next to me is sad.
근데 나는 잉? 뭔소리임?
But I... Huh? What are you talking about?
이러고 있으면,,
If you do this...
아니 나 뭐래 기쁨 공감하기!! 1번이었ㅅ어
What am I saying? Sympathizing with joy! It was number one.
휴 이거 너무 어려운걸
Phew, this is too hard.
얼마전에 여진이랑 통화하는데
I was on the phone with Yeojin a while ago.
여진이가 언니는 초능력이 생기면 뭐를 갖고싶어?
Yeojin said, "What do you want if you have superpowers?"
라고 물어봤어
That's what I asked.
나는 무조건 순간이동!!!!
Teleportation for me no matter what!!
움직이기 귀찮으니께
I don't want to move.
여진이는 미래를 바꾸고싶대
Yeojin wants to change the future.
미리 보고 좋은 결과로 바꾸고싶대
They want to see it in advance and change it to good results.
난 과거로 돌아갈래? 라고 하면 예전에는 가고싶었는데
"Do you want to go back to the past?" I wanted to go back before.
지금은 모르겠어
I don't know right now.
그때의 선택이 젤 최선이었을 거라 생각해,,
I think the choice at that time would have been the best.
갑자기 그거 생각난다
It reminds me of this.
Dangjamsa Temple
예지몽꾸고 미래 바꾸는 건데
Dreaming about Yeji and changing the future.
그거 너무 재밌게 봐서 겨울되면 늘 보고싶더라
I really enjoyed watching it, so I always want to watch it in the winter.
이번 겨울에도 봤서💖
I saw you this winter too 💖
당신이 잠든 사이에!! 드라마 제목이야
While you were asleep! It's the title of the drama.
W 드라마 재밌어??
Is the W drama fun?
나 이것도 요즘 보고싶었는데
I've been wanting to see this too.
하 근데 365 운명 어쩌구 안 본 세바스찬있어?
But is there a Sebastian who didn't see 365 destiny?
내 인생 드라만데 진짜
It's the drama of my life.
이거 진짜 재밌는데,,,,
This is really interesting.
인생을 리셋하냐마냐!
Reset your life or not!
이런 내용
It's about this.
맞아 카이로스는 아직 안봤지만 꼭 볼거야 ㅠ
That's right. I haven't seen Cairo yet, but I'll definitely see it.
마자요 타임슬립 드라마들 좋아해요
Yeah. I like time slip dramas.
괴물도 봤어요!!
I saw monsters, too!
미스터 노바디 영화 그것도 봤져
I watched Mr. Novody's movie, too.
내일 그대와도 봤지
I watched it with you tomorrow.
상견니도 봤어요
Sang Gyun saw it, too.
나 엄청 많이 봤네,,,,🤔
I saw a lot of them, 🤔
영화보단 드라마를 많이 봐
I watch more dramas than movies.
이상하게 드라마는 쭉 이어서 봐도 재밌는데
Strangely, it's fun to watch a series of dramas.
영화는 집중을 잘 못하겠어
I can't concentrate on movies.
진짜 마음 잡고!!! 봐야해
I'm really determined! I have to watch it.
맨날 그냥 밥 먹으면서 하나 틀어두고
I always turn on one while eating.
딴 거 또 하다가 보다가해서
I was watching something else.
또 재밌는 드라마 찾으면 추천해줄게!!!
If I find another interesting drama, I will recommend it to you!!!
나 사실 이제 좀 졸려
To be honest, I'm a little sleepy.
왜 벌써 졸리지??
Why am I sleepy already?
말도 안되지만 조금 졸려서
It doesn't make sense, but I'm a little sleepy.
인사하고 갈게
I'm going to say bye.
낼 만나 잘자~~~~!~!!!
See you tomorrow! Good night!