2022 02 22 216

오늘도 좋은 하루 보내기~~~~~~! 약속~~~~~~!❤️
Have a good day today! Promise!❤️

밥도 잘 챙겨먹고
Make sure to eat well.

학교랑 회사 잘 다녀오고~~~~~~
Go to school and work well.

요즘 방학? ㅇㅋ
Vacation these days? Okay.

언제 학교가니
When do you go to school?

From March?

봄방학 뭐시기는 없는거야??
Is there any spring vacation?

ㅋ 머야 다들 대학생이네
Wow, everyone is a college.

그러면 다들 3월부터 더 바빠지겠구만🥺
Then everyone will be busier from March. 🥺

후,,, 우리랑 스케줄도 하면서 다들 각자 일도 하고
Whoo, we're all doing our own work while we're all doing our own work.

투잡 뛰느라 바쁘네
He's busy working two jobs.

우리 모두 이달의소녀^^❤️
Let's all be LOONA ^^❤️

무대하다가 몇명은 떨어질수도 있으니까 조심해
Some of you might fall off during the performance, so be careful.

이건 진짜 무대를 부숴버리는 거야
This is really breaking down the stage.

쾅 콰아아아아아아앙🔥
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. 🔥

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ달소달소가자하면 진짜 웃기겠다 ㅠ
(Laughs) (Laughs)It'd be so funny if we said "Dalso dalso". (T)

우리 손 다 같이 모아야해
We need to put our hands together.

재밌겠다 그치❤️
Sounds fun, right? ❤️

콘서트도 또 하고싶어 얼른🥲
I want to have another concert soon.

오빛덜 응원봉 든 거 보고 감동했자나
Orbit-dull, you were touched by the light stick.

응원봉 색 바뀌고 번쩍번쩍 하면 넘 예뻐 진짜
It's so pretty when the light stick changes color and it glitters.

얼른 또 만났으면 좋겠다~~~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
I hope to see you soon.~~~!~!~!~!~!~!~!

헉ॱଳ͘ 퀸덤 방청 떴다고????
Oh, my god. The audience for "Queendom" is up?

많이 와서 우리 기 살려줄거지
A lot of people will come and cheer us up.

난 믿고있어
I'm counting on it.

ㅠ 다 만났으면 좋겠다
I hope we can all meet.

근데 밥은 다 먹은거야....????
But did you finish your meal?

지금 완전 점심시간인데
It's lunch time right now.

난 이따가 회사가기 전에 먹으려고!!!!!
I'm going to eat later before I go to work!

뭐 먹을진 아직 고민중...!!!
I'm still thinking about what to eat...!!!

  1. 계란찜!!! + 그냥 밥 대충 반찬대충 2.순두부 넣은 라면
  2. Steamed eggs! It's just rice. It's a side dish.
  3. Ramen with soft tofu.

하 넘 고민돼 사실 마음은 완전 순두부라면
I can't decide. If it's soft tofu in my heart,

세바스찬들도 맛있는 거 먹기!!!!!!!
Sebastians eat delicious food too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

부대찌개도 추천드립니다
I also recommend budae jjigae.

헐 부대찌개 인기 많았구나
Budae-jjigae was popular.

웃긴건 우리는 안 먹은 지 꽤 됐어
The funny thing is, we haven't eaten in a while.

아 그렇군 내가 안 먹은 지 오래된거였군
Oh, I see. It's been a long time since I had it.

저도 오늘 먹고싶지만
I want to eat it today, too.

조금 heavy하니까^^
Because it's a little heavy ^^

세바스찬들이 대신 맛있게 먹어주세여💖
Sebastians, please enjoy it for me. 💖

저는 이만,, 이따가 또 올게여❤️
I'll go now... I'll be back later❤️

아까 열심히 밥 골랐는데
I worked hard to pick a meal earlier.

결국 연어샐러드 먹었어요
I ended up eating salmon salad.


그래서 지금 또 배가 고파요 ㅋㅎ
So I'm hungry again. (Laugh

일단 신나게 퇴근송 듣자
Let's listen to the song.

오늘의 퇴근송❤️
Today's song for getting off work ❤️

위클리 님♡ - lucky
ID Weekly♡ - Lucky

다들 얼른 퇴근하면서 들어요
Everyone, listen to it on your way home.

암 쏘 럭키~~~~~!!!!!
I'm so lucky!