2022 02 12 54

그럼 오빛한테 추천받은 🦋를 앞에 붙이겠어요
Then I'll put the 🦋 recommended by Orbit in front of me.

이제 시작이에요
It's just the beginning.

헤어 비하인드...?!
Hair behind?

어제는 첫콘이니까 무난한 머리하고싶어서 다 풀고
Since it was our first concert yesterday, I wanted to do a normal hairstyle, so I untied everything.

오늘은 쌤이 머리 반묶음 추천해주셔서!! 너무 맘에 들었당
My hair stylist recommended a half-up ponytail today. I really liked it.

그리고 마지막 양갈래도 쌤 추천! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And lastly, I recommend pigtails, too! (Laughs)

약간 너무 그런가싶어서 안할까하다가 마음 먹고...!!!
I thought it was too much, so I decided not to do it.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ댓글 보는 거 너무 재밌다
(Laughs)It's so much fun reading the comments.

의상은 밝은 곡들 할때 입었던 핑크옷 너무 좋았어
I really liked the pink outfit I wore for bright songs.

근데 사실 첫 등장 옷도 반짝반짝 완전 무대를 위한 옷 같아서 맘에들구
But I actually like the first appearance outfit because it looks like it's for the stage.

제복도...ㅠ 왜냐면 나 쫌 멋쟁이 되는 거 좋아하니까...
Uniforms... Because I like to be cool...

아직도 콘서트의 여운이 떠나지 않아
I still can't stop thinking about the concert.

하지만 누워이써 지금
But I'm lying down right now.

부모님이랑 동생도 구경왔었어서 아까 같이 밥먹구 계속 쉬는 중~.~
My parents and my younger brother came to see me, so we ate together earlier and are resting.

오빛도 고생했으니까 얼른 쉬어유
Orbit, you worked hard, so hurry up and rest.

효민이 언니들 봤다고 엄청 신나고 재밌었대 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 큐티
"I saw HYOMIN and it was so much fun". (Laughs) Cutie

그래서 효민이랑 빠이할때 어떤 언니가 제일 좋아? 물어봤는데
So when you say bye to HYOMIN, who do you like the most? I asked.

제대로 대답 안 해주고 갔어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
He didn't answer me properly. (Laughs)

아마 혜주 좋아하면서 내 앞이라 또 모른척
She probably likes Hyejoo but pretends she doesn't know because she's in front of me.

근데 다른 멤버들도 다 좋아해서 맨날 탑꾸해서 보여줘 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
But the other members like it too, so they always show me top-decorated pictures. (Laughs)

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ나중에 잘한 거 있으면 사진 찍어올게
(Laughs)I'll take a picture of you later.

이제 콘서트 끝났으니까 내일은 일단 늦게 일어날거야
Now that the concert is over, I will wake up late tomorrow.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ일단 자고...! 숙소에서 방콕할까봐
(Laughs)First, sleep...! I'm afraid I'm going to stay home.

얼른 자기 약속!!!!🤍💚
Hurry up and go to sleep! Promise!🤍💚

저는 조금 전에 일어났어요
I just woke up.

생각보다 훨씬 늦게 일어나져
I wake up a lot later than I thought.

어제 평소보다도 훨씬 일찍 자서 사실 새벽 4시에 눈 한번 떴다가 다시 잤더니 지금 ㅎ
I went to bed much earlier than usual yesterday, so I woke up at 4 a.m. and went back to sleep now.

이제 슬슬 이불 탈출해야하는데
It's time to get out of the blanket.

밥을 먹어야하니까~!~!~
Since I have to eat!

뭐 먹을 지 고민중,, 밥 뭐먹었어...????
Thinking about what to eat... What did you eat?

아직 안 먹은 사람은 뭐야 ㅡㅡ 왜 안 먹었어
Who hasn't eaten yet? Why haven't you eaten yet?

메뉴 다 맘에 들어서 고민된다
I'm worried because I like all the menus.

맞아 사실 나 메뉴고르면 이제 몇시간이 지나있어
Right, it's been hours since I picked the menu.

나랑 같은 메뉴 먹으려면 저녁먹을 시간될걸,,
If you want to eat the same menu as me, it will be time for dinner.

  1. 떡볶이(어제 먹었지만 튀김이 먹고싶음)
  2. Tteokbokki (I ate it yesterday, but I want to eat fried food)

2.파스타 (원래 아침으로 자주 먹음)
2. Pasta (Originally eaten often for breakfast)

3.한식 (그냥 건강하게..^^)
3. Korean food. (Just healthy...)^^)

파스타 인기 젤 많다 지금
Pasta is the most popular right now.

해장파스타라는 좋은 아이디어도 나왔어
There's a good idea called Hangover Pasta.

이거 그 매콤파스타 맞지
This is the spicy pasta, right?

This is it.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ떡볶이파들 지금 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Laughs)The tteokbokki lovers right now... (Laughs) (Laughs)

콘서트 준비하느라 자극적인 음식 안 먹었어서
I didn't eat anything strong because I was preparing for the concert.

매운거 땡겨 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
I want something spicy. [Laughing]

그럼 일단 파스타 맛집 찾아서 주문하고 올게여
Then first, I'll find a pasta restaurant and order it'

I ordered it!

밥 안 먹었으면 얼른 먹기 꼭
If you haven't eaten, make sure to eat.

튀김에 대한 맘이 남아있어서 매콤파스타에 해시브라운 추가했당
I added hash brown to spicy pasta because I still have feelings for fried food.


Oh, my.