2022 05 28 1412
진짜 오늘 오빛이 세상에서 제일 멋있어보였다!!!
Today, ORBIT looked the coolest in the world!
이말이 하구싶았어💖😍
I wanted to say this 💖😍
나두 머싯었엉??
Did I eat something too?
아구 이거에 이르케 반하면 오뜨케!!
If you fall in love with this, Haute-ke!
나중에는 어뜨칼라두
Later on, what about Kaladu?
으뜨카면 좋아~
It's good if it's hot.
오늘 너무 고생했구 얼른푹자영 너무 늦었땅💖 모두 응원해주구 사랑해줘서 고마워요💜🥰투표도 열심히해주고 우리한테 멋진선물 줘서 너무 고맙구!같이 공감해주고 위로도해주고 칭찬도 해줘서 너무 고마워💜나두 이제 오빛없으면 못살오ㅎ우리 같이 이제 꽃길만 걷자용💗🌸
You worked so hard today and it's too late for you to hurry up and sleep. 💖 Thank you for supporting and loving everyone.💜🥰Thank you so much for voting hard and giving us a great gift!Thank you so much for sympathizing with me, comforting me, and complimenting me. 💗🌸 I can't live without ORBIT anymore. Let's walk on the flowery path together💜
Informational view😍
I love you 💜
나는 이제 스르륵 자보껭ㅎㅎ
I'm going to sleep now.
오랜만에 뽑뽀나 해보까!!
It's been a while since I've had a kiss!
먼저 뽑뽀해줘네엥💖
Kiss me first. 💖
Like this. 😚😘
나 할말이써
I have something to say.
헿ㅎ 생일축하해줘서 너무 고마웡ㅎㅎㅎ
Thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday.
나 생일카페갈라두
I want to go to a birthday cafe.
the earthworm
Please recommend it.
말하면 안대나??
If I say it, they'll know?
An eye patch?
그럼 우리 모른척허자
Then let's pretend we don't know.
최대한 오늘 많이 가볼려구 하는데
I'm trying to go as many times as possible today.
부산은 너무 감사하지만ㅠㅠ 못가지ㅠㅠ
Thank you so much for Busan, but I can't go.
일단 나 출발한다으ㅏ아아
First, I'm leaving.
Let's get some sleep
카페 주소 보이는곳
Where you can see the address of the cafe.
먼저 가보께!
I'll go ahead!
웅ㅇ 강남!
Yes, Gangnam!
I don't want to!!!
Let's go.
진짜 너무 한곳한곳 가고싶은데ㅠㅠㅠ
I really want to go to one place.
못가서 미아내ㅠㅠ..
I'm lost because I can't go.
너무 감사하여 우리 오빛💖💖
Thank you so much, ORBIT💖💖
아직아직 나는 가는중!!
I'm still on my way!
It's Mew!
홍대 카페 문다닫았어여!!?
Hongdae cafe is closed?
모야!!왜케 일찍닫아..
What! Why did you close early?
What is this?
가구있는데 찾아보니까..
There's furniture. I looked it up.
다 닫았넹
It's all closed.
나 진짜 궁금했는데..
I was really curious.
오빛ㅎㅎ진짜 생일 너무 축하해줘서 고맙구 정말이지 행복한 하루를 보낼수 있게 만들어줘서 너무 고마워요😍💖오빛이 최고야 진짜 2022년 생일 절대루 못잊을것가태ㅎㅎ💜💜🥰그리구 내소원이 꼭 이뤄졌으면 조켔따ㅎㅎ (궁금하지이ㅎㅎ)오늘은 너무 푹 행복하게 잘수있을것같애!!
Orbit, thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday and thank you so much for making me have a happy day.😍💖 Orbit is the best. I will never forget my 2022 birthday. 💜💜🥰 And I would be nervous if my wish came true. (Curious) I think I can sleep so happily today!!
모두모두 너무 고맙구 사랑해여😍
Thank you all so much and I love you 😍
진짜 행복했어 나💖💖
I was really happy. 💖💖
아늬 내가 더 사랑하에💖
No, I love you more 💖