2022 04 28 1001


사진 잘찍었지이
I took a good picture.

이거 맞지잉?
This is it, right?

마져 나두 티비에 많이 나와서 좋았엉ㅎㅎ💜
Finally, I was also happy to be on TV a lot. 💜

워크샵 셀카있지잉
I have a workshop selfie.

다 나오면 올려야징
I'm going to upload it when everyone comes out.

워크샵 고기 너무 마싯었는데 많이 못먹었엉..
I drank too much meat at the workshop, but I couldn't eat much.

나두 너무 오늘 재미있었따아💖💖💖
I had a lot of fun today, too. 💖💖💖

너무 오랜만에 응원도 해보구 가까이서 오빛보구!👍😍
It's been so long since I cheered for you, and I saw ORBIT up close!👍😍

진짜??나 잘했엉?
Really? Did I do well?

내가 홈런쳤자낭
I hit a home run.

나 치킨도먹구 떡볶이도 먹고 상추에 튀김도 싸먹어보구
I ate chicken, tteokbokki, and fried food with lettuce.

하슬언니 어머니께서 마니 준비해주셨엉
Haseul's mother prepared a lot for me.


Auntie is the best😍

그래두 오늘 오랜만에 오빛가까이서 보니까 너무 좋드라🥰
But it's so nice to see ORBIT up close for the first time in a while.

얘기두 하구
Let's talk.

유니폼도 마져 맘에들었엉
I liked the uniform, too.

Kia Loopis 💖 Marge 🔥🔥

I like it.

야구 규칙 하슬언니한테 많이 물어봤지잉
I asked Haseul a lot about baseball rules.

ㅎㅎ오늘 많이 배웠엉
I learned a lot today.

소크라테스님 시그니처송??
Socrates' signature song?

그게 진짜신나더라~
That was really exciting.

마져 시옷춤!!재밌엉
The Marge Siot dance!It's fun.

at the end

마져 케이팝도 많이 나와가지구
There's also a lot of Mazer K-pop.

너무 신났지모야<~
I was so excited.

이제 호응도 할수있어서 먼가 다 열기가 가득한느뀜🔥🔥
Now that you can respond, it feels like everything is full of heat 🔥🔥

그래서 콘서트 하고싳다..
So after the concert...

라는 생각더 들었어
That's what I thought.

이제 응원이랑 호응해도 대자나ㅎㅎ
Now, even if you cheer and respond, it's a big deal.

마져 이제 곧마스크도 벗을수있다맨
I can take off my mask soon.man

우웅ㅇ 얼른콘서트하자앙
Let's hurry up and have a concert.

야구복입구 셀카는 하슬언니랑 밖에 못찍았다유
I only took a selfie with Haseul at the entrance of the baseball uniform.you

그치그치 월드투어더 가야징!!
That's right. We have to go on a world tour!

나는 오늘 사실 아침에 체해가지구 정신이 조금 없었엉..ㅠㅠ
I actually had an upset stomach this morning, so I was a little distracted.crying

어제 고원언니랑 닭발먹은게 그랬나바
Did I eat chicken feet with Go Won yesterday?

그래서 아침에 한의원가서 침맞구 왔지이
So I went to an oriental clinic in the morning and got acupuncture.

웅!!지금은 너무 갠찮지이
Yeah! It's not that bad right now.

침맞은거 효과 좋드라
The acupuncture treatment is effective.

배에 처음으로 침맞았는데
I got acupuncture on my stomach for the first time.

아팠는데 신기했쒀
It hurt, but it was amazing.

나 손도 처음 따봤엉
It's my first time picking my hands, too.

It's exciting!

나는 한의원 너무 추천!!
I highly recommend oriental medicine clinic!

갠차는거 가테
Let's kick it.

근데 지금은 너무 말짱ㅎㅐㅎㅎㅎ
But now, it's so smooth.

금방 나았지이
I got better soon.

나도 한동안 닭발은 안먹을것같애..
I don't think I will eat chicken feet for a while.