2022 04 15 812
이러케 좋아하는데!💜
He likes it so much!💜
보라머리두 나중에 한번 다시하야징!!
I'm going to do purple hair again next time!
What do you think?
나는이제 연습하러간다!!🔥아아ㅏ앙🔥
I'm going to practice now!🔥 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🔥
Whitie! 💖
쟈갸 나 다녀온다앙
Hey, I'm coming back.Biting.
It came out.
What are you doing?
나는 잠깐 연습쉬는시가안~
I'm going to take a break from practice.
내생각 하구있었옹?😍
Were you thinking about me?😍
My knee? It's very nice.
근데 갠차나 지금은 안아퍼!
But it doesn't hurt right now!
마져 우리 이갈소자나🔥🔥🔥
Let's go, Igal Sojana 🔥🔥🔥
우웅 멍크림도 열심히 바르구
I put on munchim diligently.
by the way
호 해주면 대겠네에
If you say "ho", I'll put it on you.
It's all here. 😍
하나더 안아파 이제!
One more thing doesn't hurt anymore!
우웅 나는 너무 건강해서 이런멍따위! 별거아녀
I'm so healthy that I'm like this! It's nothing.
Don't worry! 💖 Jagi-ing
우웅 안다칠게에
I won't get hurt.
쟈긔도 자치면안대는거 알지!!?
You know he doesn't go to the autonomous area, right?
I got hurt lol
오타 무슨일이얌..
What happened to the typo?
지치면 앙대~
If you're tired, you'll be angry.
Oh, my.(Laughs)
음성지원 무슨일이야
Voice support. What's going on?
모두모두 팟팅~💖
Everyone, patting! 💖
내가 오눌 거울을 봤는뎅
I looked in the mirror.
오늘 나 뤠전드~~~><
Today, I'm legendary!><
휴~! 너무 이뿌당
Phew! It's so pretty.
하,, 내 미모,,,
Ha, my beauty...
너무 과하당~히히
That's too much.
ㅋ 뻥임
I'm kidding.
내가 최리인척함
Pretending to be Choerry.
Guess who it is.
다들 모르네...?
Everyone doesn't know.
정답자가 별로 없네
There aren't many people who got it right.
그냥 안 알려줄게..
I just won't tell you.
다들 너무 실망이네
I'm so disappointed.
우리 거원언니를 어떠케 못알아바???
How can you not know our giant sister?
The person who got it right is!!
칭찬도장 찍어줍니당
I'll give you a stamp of praise.
It's fun. This one too.
다들 기여워 아주~~
Everyone is so cute.
지금은 쩨리지!!
Right now, it's JR!
나이제 연습간다ㅠㅠ
I'm going to practice now.