2022 04 05 669
헿ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ아이 재밌네에ㅔ
He.[Laughing]It's fun.
Cheek! 😚😘
Jeljaa 💖💖 Jel night!💜
Allunjaa 💖
무대 봤옹!!???
Did you see the performance?
What do you think? What do you think?😂
What do you think?🔥🔥
히이잉🥺🥺😭진짜 이말 들을라구 열심히 했따아ㅏ💖
Heiing 🥺🥺😭 I really tried hard to hear this 💖
근데 처음이 마스크너무 아쉬웠어ㅠㅠ
But the first time was too bad for the mask.
스윽내려가야대는데 안대가지구..
I was supposed to go down, but I didn't.
희진언니처롬 쓰윽 해야대는데
Heejin was supposed to do it.
나두 집가자마자 다시봐야징!!
I'm going to watch it again as soon as I get home!
라이브!ㅎㅎ우리 또 장난아니자낭
Live! LOL We're no joke again.
지금 집가는중!오늘 일하구!
I'm on my way home now!Work today!
나 잘도착해서
I arrived safely.
이제 씻구왔따앙ㅎㄹ
I washed up now.
투표도 하고 홍보도 했다구!!!!💖💖💖
I voted and promoted!!!!💖💖💖
너무 칭찬해에~~~😍😍
I compliment you so much~~😍😍
본방두 보고 풀버전두 봤다구!!!?
You watched the full version after watching the actual show?
It's so so very~Compliment. 💖💜😘
오빛이 행복해하니까 너무 조으넹🥰
Orbit is so happy that I'm so happy. 🥰
마져 이무대를 못보여준다구 생각해바..
I don't think I can show you this performance.
진짜 억장이 와르르야..ㅠ
I can't believe it.(T)
마져 그래두 무대할수있게돼서
I'm so glad that I can perform on stage.
얼마나 행복했는데엥😝💜
I was so happy. 😝💜
내가앞으로도 떠더ㅓ더더ㅓ더더ㅓ더
From now on, I'll continue to be nervous.
A lot!Tooth
멋있는모습 행복한모습 밝은모습!
Cool, happy, and bright!
I'll show you 💖
오빛만 봥ㅎㅎ
Just look at the ORBIT.
오늘 다들 너무 고생했구 우리 무대 봐줘서 너무 고맙두 투표도 해줘서 너무 고맙구
Everyone worked so hard today. Thank you so much for watching our performance. Thank you so much for voting.
무엇보다 우리옆가장가까운데서 응원해주고 힘이대줘서 너무 고마워💖🥰💜
Above all, thank you so much for supporting us and giving us strength at the closest place next to us. 💖🥰💜
오빛없으면 나 몬살어~
If there's no ORBIT, I'm going to live.
진짜 나 오빛밖에 모르는 바보💜🤦🏻♀️💜
I'm a fool who only knows ORBIT💜🤦🏻♀️💜
그래 나 바보다!!
Yeah, I'm a fool!
오늘두 너무 고생했구 좋은꿈 내꿈꾸구!
You did a great job today and have a good dream about me!
내가 많이 사랑해에💜💜💜
I love you so much 💜💜💜
아늬 내가 더더더 사랑해💜💜
No, I love you more. 💜💜
헤ㅔㅎㅎ 내가 더많이 사랑하는뒈..
Hehehe I love you more..
아이참 우리 같이 사랑하장💖💖
Oh, let's love each other. 💖💖
오늘두 쩰나잇💖💜
Today too, "Jel night💖💜"
나 간줄알았지!!
I thought I was gone!
뭐 하나 빼먹구가섷ㅎㅎ
I forgot to do something.
Like this. 😚😘
This is it.
헿ㅎ진짜 잘쟈앙💖
Hehehe really good night💖